- Spring: April-May, often used as a “capstone” trip or to bring curriculum to life
- Fall: August-October, great for building community
- 3-13 day trips possible, a full week (Mon-Fri) is highly recommended— the first day or two on the farm, children take it all in, absorbing the responsibility, expectations, freedom, and flow. With a few days of practice, confidence builds as children experience not only what’s on the farm but start to see their own person emerge, culminating by weeks’ end with a sense of ownership of place and self.
We are fully staffed to guide activities in small groups (3-5), where each student has a tool and a role. Most classes attend with their room guide and assistant, chaperones are not required.
Teacher lodging
With our full staff on the farm, teachers and school staff have the option to stay in the cabins with their students or in the Farm House nearby, whichever is more comfortable. Please share your lodging plans with us prior to arrival so we can have your bed ready.
Each week, our menu is planned to fit the needs of the children arriving. We accommodate the food allergies, intolerances and ethical and religious preferences of each child to ensure food safety for everyone. TCE runs a nut-free commercially licensed kitchen.
We use an online system called CampDoc which allows us to collect waivers and health information for each child and prepare appropriately for your visit. Parents complete their child’s CampDoc forms in advance of your visit, confidentially, which we’ve found drastically reduces the time you and school staff spend chasing paperwork.
All medication will be collected and kept in a locked cabinet including: allergy pills, vitamins, sleep aides, pain relievers, and fever reducers. This eliminates the risk of mistakes or mix-ups and ensures the health and safety of every child. Each child should be able to self administer their own medication.
Transport is the responsibility of the school. Some schools have or rent a bus, others have parents car-pool to the farm. Depending on distance to the farm, most schools arrive mid-morning on Monday (~10am) and depart around noon on Friday.
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